The ProChild & ProChild-2 Studies: Preschool children

The impact of probiotics and vitamin C on the prevention of upper respiratory tract symptoms in two preschool children cohorts


  • Pooling data from multiple trials can provide strong evidence regarding the effectiveness of an intervention. We assessed the impact of the Lab4 probiotic/vitamin C combination on preventing coughs and colds in two groups of preschool children participating in the ProChild and ProChild-2 studies.


    • The Lab4 probiotics in combination with a low dose of vitamin C significantly reduced the incidence and duration of coughs and colds in preschool children aged 3 to 6 years.
    • The incidence of absence from school was significantly reduced by 25%.
    • The number of visits to the paediatric G.P was significantly reduced by 44%.
    • The antibiotic usage was significantly reduced by 47%.


To confirm the beneficial effects of the Lab4 probiotic with a low dose of vitamin C on preventing cough and cold symptoms and reducing absenteeism among preschool children in our ProChild & ProChild-2 studies.




  • A 25% significant reduction in the incidence of cough and cold symptoms was observed in Group 2 compared to Group 1 (*P<0.0001).
  • There was a 40% significant reduction in the duration of coughs and colds in Group 2 compared to Group 1 (*P=0.0030).


  • A 25% significant reduction in preschool absenteeism was observed in Group 2 compared to Group 1 (*P<0.0001). 

Paediatric physician visits and antibiotic usage

  • Over the 6-month study period, GP paediatric visits for any reason were significantly reduced by 44% (*P<0.0001).
  • In Group 2, there was a significant reduction in antibiotic use by 47% compared to Group 1 (*P<0.0001).


The pooled analysis of data from two studies confirmed the beneficial effect of La4 probiotic in combination with a low dose vitamin C in the prevention and management of coughs and colds in preschool children.

Study links


The ProChild-2 Study

Probiotics with vitamin C for the prevention of upper respiratory tract symptoms in children aged 3-10 years: a randomised controlled trial


The ProChild Study

This pilot study investigated the efficacy of a probiotic consortium (Lab4) in combination with vitamin C in the prevention of respiratory tract infections in children attending preschool facilities.

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