The Keele Study
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised pilot trial examining the effects of probiotic administration on mood and cognitive function
A double-blind, randomised, controlled trial with 50 healthy participants using mood, stress and depression questionnaires to examine the mood and cognitive function effects of probiotic supplementation.
Healthy adults supplemented with Lab4 probiotics experienced reduced anxiety in response to the anticipation of a future threat.
The ability to focus and avoid any distraction was significantly increased with Lab4 probiotics.
This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study examined the effects of Lab4 probiotics on general feelings of anxiety, mood and cognitive function in healthy individuals.

‘Trait’ Anxiety
(An individual’s tendency to experience anxiety in response to the anticipation of a future threat, how individuals felt over the previous 6 weeks)
Lab4 probiotics significantly decreased ‘trait’ anxiety levels compared to Group 1, where the ‘trait’ anxiety levels increased over the course of the 6 weeks supplementation (P=0.042).
‘Continuity of attention’

(Ability to focus and avoid distraction)
‘Continuity of attention’ significantly increased in response to the Lab4 supplementation and decreased in Group 1 (P=0.035).
The study showed the benefit of Lab4 probiotics for cognitive function in healthy individuals.
Owen L, et al 2014. A double blind, placebo controlled, randomised pilot trial examining the effects of probiotic administration on mood and cognitive function.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 73 (OCE1): E29
CORRECTION: A daily dose of a probiotic preparation at a total
of 2.5×1010 cfu/capsule was incorrectly published. The correct daily
dose used in the trial was 5×1010 cfu (2.5×1010
cfu/capsule taken twice daily).