The Cambridge Probiotic/Antibiotic Trial 2
Effects of probiotics on the composition of the intestinal microbiota following antibiotic therapy
This double-blind, placebo-controlled trial studied the effects of probiotic supplementation on the intestinal re-growth microbiota following antibiotic therapy.
The Lab4 probiotic supplementation alongside antibiotics significantly reduced the numbers of Candida albicans at the end of antibiotic therapy.
The numbers of facultative anaerobes and enterobacteria were significantly reduced four weeks post antibiotic therapy.
The incidence rate of enterococci antibiotic resistance post-antibiotic therapy increased in the placebo group, but there was no change among patients in the Lab4 probiotic group.
This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigated the effect of Lab4 probiotic supplementation on antibiotic resistance in the re-growth gut microbiota population following antibiotic therapy.


1. The number of Candida albicans in the Group 1 at the end of antibiotic therapy was significantly higher compared to the Group 2 (*P<0.05).
2. The numbers of facultative anaerobes and enterobacteria were significantly lower in the Group 2 compared to the Group 1 four weeks post antibiotic treatment (*P=0.031 and *P=0.014, respectively)
3. Numbers of patients harbouring antibiotic resistant enterococci increased significantly post antibiotic therapy in the Group 1 (P= 0.012).
4. There was no change in the incidence rate of antibiotic resistance among the patients in the Group 2 post antibiotic therapy.

The Lab4 probiotic supplementation alongside antibiotic therapy has been shown to reduce the extent of gut microbiota disruption and to reduce the level of antibiotic resistance within the ‘re-growth’ microbiota.